
Sequin Se"quin, n. [F. sequin, It. zecchino, from zecca the mint, fr. Ar. sekkah, sikkah, a die, a stamp. Cf. {Zechin}.] An old gold coin of Italy and Turkey. It was first struck at Venice about the end of the 13th century, and afterward in the other Italian cities, and by the Levant trade was introduced into Turkey. It is worth about 9s. 3d. sterling, or about $2.25. The different kinds vary somewhat in value. [Written also {chequin}, and {zequin}.] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Sequin — vénitien de 1382 Le Sequin est une pièce d or dont la valeur s appréciait en livres, et qui avait cours dans le Levant et en Italie. Les premiers sequins ont été frappés à Venise à la fin du XIIIe siècle, sous le nom de ducato (ducat). L… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sequin — [ səkɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1595; chequin 1540; essequin fin XIVe; vénitien zecchino, ar. sikki « pièce de monnaie » 1 ♦ Ancienne monnaie d or de Venise, qui avait cours en Italie et dans le Levant. 2 ♦ Petit disque de métal perforé cousu sur un tissu pour …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sequin — 1610s, name of a former Italian and Turkish gold coin, from Fr. sequin, from It. zecchino, from zecca a mint, from Ar. sikkah a minting die. Meaning ornamental disc or spangle is first recorded 1882, from resemblance to a gold coin …   Etymology dictionary

  • Sequin — Sequin, S. Fondukli, S. Mahbub, in der Türkei so v.w. Zecchine …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Sequin — (spr. ßökäng), franz. Name der Zecchine, jetzt die ägyptische Goldmünze von 100 Gurusch …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • sequin — SEQUIN. s. m. Sorte de monnoye d or valant sept francs, qui est batuë à Venise, & qui a grand cours dans le Levant. Ce payement a esté fait tout en sequins …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • sequin — ► NOUN ▪ a small, shiny disc sewn on to clothing for decoration. DERIVATIVES sequinned (also sequined) adjective. ORIGIN originally denoting a former Venetian gold coin: from Italian zecchino, from an Arabic word meaning a die for coining …   English terms dictionary

  • sequin — [sē′kwin] n. [Fr < It zecchino < zecca, a mint < Ar sikka, stamp, die] 1. an obsolete gold coin of Italy and Turkey 2. a small, shiny ornament or spangle, as a metal disk, esp. one of many sewn on fabric for decoration …   English World dictionary

  • Sequin — Sequins are disk shaped beads used for decorative purposes. They are available in a wide variety of colors and geometrical shapes. Sequins are commonly used on clothing, jewelry, bags and other accessories. Large sequins, fastened only at the top …   Wikipedia

  • SEQUIN — s. m. Monnaie d or qui a cours dans le Levant. En Turquie, le sequin vaut environ neuf francs. Ce payement a été fait tout en sequins. Sequin de Gênes, valant environ douze francs …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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