
Silencer Si"lenc*er, n. One that silences; specif.: (a) The muffler of an internal-combustion engine. (b) Any of various devices to silence the humming noise of telegraph wires. (c) A device for silencing the report of a firearm shooting its projectiles singly, as a tubular attachment for the muzzle having circular plates that permit the passage of the projectile but impart a rotary motion to, and thus retard, the exploding gases. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • silencer — [silɑ̃se] v. tr. ÉTYM. 1874, Barbey d Aurevilly; de silence. ❖ ♦ Littér. et rare. Plonger (qqn, un lieu…) dans le silence …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • silencer — ► NOUN ▪ a device for reducing the noise emitted by a mechanism, especially a gun or exhaust system …   English terms dictionary

  • silencer — [sī′lən sər] n. 1. a person or thing that silences ☆ 2. a device attached to the muzzle of a firearm to muffle the report 3. Brit. MUFFLER (sense 2) …   English World dictionary

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