
Spin Spin (sp[i^]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spun}(Archaic imp. {Span}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Spinning}.] [AS. spinnan; akin to D. & G. spinnen, Icel. & Sw. spinna, Dan. spinde, Goth. spinnan, and probably to E. span. [root]170. Cf. {Span}, v. t., {Spider}.] 1. To draw out, and twist into threads, either by the hand or machinery; as, to spin wool, cotton, or flax; to spin goat's hair; to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material. [1913 Webster]

All the yarn she [Penelope] spun in Ulysses' absence did but fill Ithaca full of moths. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

2. To draw out tediously; to form by a slow process, or by degrees; to extend to a great length; -- with out; as, to spin out large volumes on a subject. [1913 Webster]

Do you mean that story is tediously spun out? --Sheridan. [1913 Webster]

3. To protract; to spend by delays; as, to spin out the day in idleness. [1913 Webster]

By one delay after another they spin out their whole lives. --L'Estrange. [1913 Webster]

4. To cause to turn round rapidly; to whirl; to twirl; as, to spin a top. [1913 Webster]

5. To form (a web, a cocoon, silk, or the like) from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air; -- said of the spider, the silkworm, etc. [1913 Webster]

6. (Mech.) To shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe. [1913 Webster]

{To spin a yarn} (Naut.), to tell a story, esp. a long or fabulous tale.

{To spin hay} (Mil.), to twist it into ropes for convenient carriage on an expedition.

{To spin street yarn}, to gad about gossiping. [Collog.] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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