
Stovain Sto"va*in, n. Also Stovine Sto"vine . [Stove (a translation of the name of the discoverer, Fourneau + -in, -ine.] (Pharm.) A substance, {C14H22O2NCl}, the hydrochloride of an amino compound containing benzol, used, in solution with strychnine, as a local an[ae]sthetic, esp. by injection into the sheath of the spinal cord, producing an[ae]sthesia below the point of introduction. Called also {amylocaine hydrochloride}. Chemically it is the hydrochloride of the benzoyl ester of 1-(dimethylaminomethyl)-1-methyl propanol. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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