- Birthwort
- Birthwort Birth"wort`, n. A genus of herbs and shrubs ({Aristolochia}), reputed to have medicinal properties. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
birthwort — [bʉrth′wʉrt΄] n. any of a genus (Aristolochia) of vines of the birthwort family with brownish or purplish S shaped flowers: formerly supposed to be of help in childbirth adj. designating a family (Aristolochiaceae, order Aristolochiales) of… … English World dictionary
birthwort — /berrth werrt , wawrt /, n. 1. any of various plants of the genus Aristolochia, esp. A. clematitis, an Old World species reputed to facilitate childbirth. Cf. birthwort family. 2. any of various other plants believed to aid childbirth. 3.… … Universalium
birthwort — noun Date: 1551 any of several herbs or woody vines (genus Aristolochia of the family Aristolochiaceae, the birthwort family) with aromatic roots used in folk medicine to aid childbirth … New Collegiate Dictionary
birthwort — paprastoji kartuolė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kartuolinių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Aristolochia clematitis), paplitęs pietų Europoje ir vakarų Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Aristolochia clematitis angl. asarabacca; birthwort vok.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
birthwort — kartuolė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Kartuolinių (Aristolochiaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Aristolochia). atitikmenys: lot. Aristolochia angl. birthwort; pelican flower vok. Osterluzei; Pfeifenblume rus. аристолохия; кирказон lenk.… … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
birthwort — rūtenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Aguoninių (Papaveraceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Corydalis). atitikmenys: lot. Corydalis angl. birthwort; corydalis; fumitory vok. Lerchensporn rus. хохлатка lenk. kokorycz … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
birthwort family — noun family of birthworts (including wild ginger) • Syn: ↑Aristolochiaceae, ↑family Aristolochiaceae • Hypernyms: ↑dicot family, ↑magnoliopsid family • Member Holonyms: ↑Aristolochiales, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
birthwort family — the plant family Aristolochiaceae, typified by mostly tropical woody vines and herbaceous plants, having alternate, heart shaped leaves and flowers lacking true petals but having three petallike sepals, and including the birthwort, Dutchman s… … Universalium
birthwort — noun A plant of the genus Aristolochia. Syn: dutchmans pipe, pipevines … Wiktionary
birthwort — n. climbing plant with leaves in the shape of a heart said to facilitate childbirth; any of many other plants believed to ease childbirth … English contemporary dictionary