
Upon Up*on", prep.[AS. uppan, uppon; upp up + on, an, on. See {Up}, and {On}.] On; -- used in all the senses of that word, with which it is interchangeable. ``Upon an hill of flowers.'' --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

Our host upon his stirrups stood anon. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

Thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar. --Ex. xxix. 21. [1913 Webster]

The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. --Judg. xvi. 9. [1913 Webster]

As I did stand my watch upon the hill. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

He made a great difference between people that did rebel upon wantonness, and them that did rebel upon want. --Bacon. [1913 Webster]

This advantage we lost upon the invention of firearms. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

Upon the whole, it will be necessary to avoid that perpetual repetition of the same epithets which we find in Homer. --Pope. [1913 Webster]

He had abandoned the frontiers, retiring upon Glasgow. --Sir. W. Scott. [1913 Webster]

Philip swore upon the Evangelists to abstain from aggression in my absence. --Landor. [1913 Webster]

Note: Upon conveys a more distinct notion that on carries with it of something that literally or metaphorically bears or supports. It is less employed than it used to be, on having for the most part taken its place. Some expressions formed with it belong only to old style; as, upon pity they were taken away; that is, in consequence of pity: upon the rate of thirty thousand; that is, amounting to the rate: to die upon the hand; that is, by means of the hand: he had a garment upon; that is, upon himself: the time is coming fast upon; that is, upon the present time. By the omission of its object, upon acquires an adverbial sense, as in the last two examples. [1913 Webster]

{To assure upon} (Law), to promise; to undertake.

{To come upon}. See under {Come}.

{To take upon}, to assume. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • upon — tends to sound more formal and emphatic than on when the two are used interchangeably: to look upon someone as a friend is a somewhat more imposing proposition than to look on them as a friend. Upon is the only choice in certain fixed expressions …   Modern English usage

  • upon — [ə pän′, ə pôn′] prep. [ME < up,UP1 + on,ON, prob. infl. by ON upp á (< upp, upward + á, on)] ON (in various senses), or up and on: on and upon are generally interchangeable, the choice being governed by idiom, sentence rhythm, etc. adv. 1 …   English World dictionary

  • upon — early 12c., from UP (Cf. up) + ON (Cf. on); probably influenced by O.N. upp a. Distinct from O.E. uppan which merely meant up. In the mod. Scand. tongues, except Icelandic and Færöese, the reduced form pa, paa, corresponding to Eng. (colloq. or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • upon */*/*/ — UK [əˈpɒn] / US [əˈpɑn] preposition Collocations: Upon is much more formal than on, but it can be used with the same meanings as the preposition on in the following cases: on/onto an object or surface: It fell upon the ground. supported by a part …   English dictionary

  • upon — [[t]əpɒ̱n[/t]] ♦♦ (In addition to the uses shown below, upon is used in phrasal verbs such as come upon and look upon , and after some other verbs such as decide and depend .) 1) PREP If one thing is upon another, it is on it. [FORMAL] He set the …   English dictionary

  • upon — up|on [ ə pan ] preposition *** 1. ) on LITERARY on or onto something: Shadows were flickering upon the studio floor. He believes we were put upon this earth for a purpose. 2. ) used after some verbs instead of on FORMAL used after some verbs… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • upon — up|on W1S3 [əˈpɔn US əˈpa:n] prep formal [Date: 1100 1200; Origin: up + on] 1.) used to mean on or onto ▪ an honour bestowed upon the association ▪ We are completely dependent upon your help. ▪ Brandon threw him upon the ground. 2.) if a time or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • upon — /euh pon , euh pawn /, prep. 1. up and on; upward so as to get or be on: He climbed upon his horse and rode off. 2. in an elevated position on: There is a television antenna upon every house in the neighborhood. 3. in or into complete or… …   Universalium

  • UPON — prep. = ON. Usage: Upon is sometimes more formal, and is preferred in once upon a time and upon my word, and in uses such as row upon row of seats and Christmas is almost upon us. Etymology: ME f. UP + ON prep., after ON upp aacute …   Useful english dictionary

  • upon — (as used in expressions) Kingston upon Hull Newcastle (upon Tyne), William Cavendish, 1 duque de Newcastle upon Tyne Stratford upon Avon …   Enciclopedia Universal

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