
Vibrator Vi"bra*tor, n. One that vibrates, or causes vibration or oscillation of any kind; specif. (a) (Elec.) (1) A trembler, as of an electric bell. (2) A vibrating reed for transmitting or receiving pulsating currents in a harmonic telegraph system. (3) A device for vibrating the pen of a siphon recorder to diminish frictional resistance on the paper. (4) An oscillator. (b) An ink-distributing roller in a printing machine, having an additional vibratory motion. (a) (Music) A vibrating reed, esp. in a reed organ. (d) (Weaving) Any of various vibrating devices, as one for slackening the warp as a shed opens. (e) An attachment, usually pneumatic, in a molding machine to shake the pattern loose. (f) a small electrical device held in the hand, with a motor that causes the device and hand to vibrate, and is used for vibratory massage. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • vìbrātor — (vibrȃtor) m 1. {{001f}}uređaj koji daje vibracije [∼ za masažu] 2. {{001f}}tehn. zast. uređaj za pretvaranje istosmjerne struje u izmjeničnu 3. {{001f}}tehn. sprava za nabijanje zemlje i sl. u obliku ploče, nabijača ili električnog cilindra 4.… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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  • vibrator — (n.) 1862, that which vibrates, agent noun in Latin form from VIBRATE (Cf. vibrate) (v.). Attested from 1888 in reference to various appliances; specific sense of small electrical device for sexual stimulation is recorded from 1953 …   Etymology dictionary

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  • vibrator — [vī′brāt΄ər] n. something that vibrates or causes vibration; specif., a) the hammer of an electric bell b) a vibrating electrical device used in massage or for sexual stimulation c) Electronics an electromagnetic device with contacts on a tuned,… …   English World dictionary

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