
Wintergreen Win"ter*green`, n. (Bot.) A plant which keeps its leaves green through the winter. [1913 Webster]

Note: In England, the name wintergreen is applied to the species of {Pyrola} which in America are called {English wintergreen}, and {shin leaf} (see Shin leaf, under {Shin}.) In America, the name wintergreen is given to {Gaultheria procumbens}, a low evergreen aromatic plant with oval leaves clustered at the top of a short stem, and bearing small white flowers followed by red berries; -- called also {checkerberry}, and sometimes, though improperly, {partridge berry}. [1913 Webster]

{Chickweed wintergreen}, a low perennial primulaceous herb ({Trientalis Americana}); -- also called {star flower}.

{Flowering wintergreen}, a low plant ({Polygala paucifolia}) with leaves somewhat like those of the wintergreen ({Gaultheria}), and bearing a few showy, rose-purple blossoms.

{Spotted wintergreen}, a low evergreen plant ({Chimaphila maculata}) with ovate, white-spotted leaves. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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