
Brazil wood Bra*zil" wood`, Brazilwood Bra*zil"wood`(br[.a]*z[i^]l" w[oo^]d`). [OE. brasil, LL. brasile (cf. Pg. & Sp. brasil, Pr. bresil, Pr. bresil); perh. from Sp. or Pg. brasa a live coal (cf. {Braze}, {Brasier}); or Ar. vars plant for dyeing red or yellow. This name was given to the wood from its color; and it is said that King Emanuel, of Portugal, gave the name Brazil to the country in South America on account of its producing this wood.] [1913 Webster] 1. The wood of the oriental {C[ae]salpinia Sapan}; -- so called before the discovery of America. [1913 Webster]

2. A very heavy wood of a reddish color, imported from Brazil and other tropical countries, for cabinet-work, and for dyeing. The best is the heartwood of {Caesalpinia echinata}, a leguminous tree; but other trees also yield it. An inferior sort comes from Jamaica, the timber of {Caesalpinia Braziliensis} and {Caesalpinia crista}. This is often distinguished as {Braziletto}, but the better kind is also frequently so named. The wood is also used for violin bows. [1913 Webster]

3. a tropical tree ({Caesalpinia echinata}) with a prickly trunk; its heavy red heartwood (also called brazilwood) yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry.

Syn: peachwood, pernambuco wood. [WordNet 1.5]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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