
Breast Breast (br[e^]st), n. [OE. brest, breost, As. bre['o]st; akin to Icel. brj[=o]st, Sw. br["o]st, Dan. bryst, Goth. brusts, OS. briost, D. borst, G. brust.] 1. The fore part of the body, between the neck and the belly; the chest; as, the breast of a man or of a horse. [1913 Webster]

2. Either one of the protuberant glands, situated on the front of the chest or thorax in the female of man and of some other mammalia, in which milk is secreted for the nourishment of the young; a mamma; a teat. [1913 Webster]

My brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother. --Cant. viii. 1. [1913 Webster]

3. Anything resembling the human breast, or bosom; the front or forward part of anything; as, a chimney breast; a plow breast; the breast of a hill. [1913 Webster]

Mountains on whose barren breast The laboring clouds do often rest. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

4. (Mining) (a) The face of a coal working. (b) The front of a furnace. [1913 Webster]

5. The seat of consciousness; the repository of thought and self-consciousness, or of secrets; the seat of the affections and passions; the heart. [1913 Webster]

He has a loyal breast. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

6. The power of singing; a musical voice; -- so called, probably, from the connection of the voice with the lungs, which lie within the breast. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

By my troth, the fool has an excellent breast. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

{Breast drill}, a portable drilling machine, provided with a breastplate, for forcing the drill against the work.

{Breast pang}. See {Angina pectoris}, under {Angina}.

{To make a clean breast}, to disclose the secrets which weigh upon one; to make full confession. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • breast — [brest] n. [ME brest < OE breost < IE base * bhreus , to swell, sprout] 1. either of two milk secreting glands protruding from the upper, front part of a woman s body 2. a corresponding gland in a female primate 3. a corresponding… …   English World dictionary

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  • breast — [ brest ] noun ** 1. ) count one of the two round soft parts on the front of a woman s body that produce milk when she has a baby: She had small round breasts. breast cancer 2. ) count FORMAL a person s CHEST a ) count LITERARY your chest and… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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  • breast — (n.) O.E. breost breast, bosom; mind, thought, disposition, from P.Gmc. *breustam breast (Cf. O.S. briost, O.Fris. briast, O.N. brjost, Du. borst, Ger. brust, Goth. brusts), perhaps lit. swelling and from PIE root *bhreus to swell, sprout (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • breast — [n1] front of upper body bosom, bust, chest, front, mammary glands, mammilla, nipple, teat, udder; concept 418 breast [n2] feelings, conscience being, bosom, character, core, emotions, essential nature, heart, mind, psyche, seat of affections,… …   New thesaurus

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  • breast — ► NOUN 1) either of the two soft, protruding organs on a woman s chest which secrete milk after pregnancy. 2) a person s or animal s chest region. ► VERB 1) face and move forwards against or through. 2) reach the top of (a hill). DERIVATIVES… …   English terms dictionary

  • Breast — The milk engorged breast of a pregnant woman …   Wikipedia

  • breast — [[t]bre̱st[/t]] ♦♦♦ breasts 1) N COUNT: oft poss N A woman s breasts are the two soft, round parts on her chest that can produce milk to feed a baby. She wears a low cut dress which reveals her breasts... As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her… …   English dictionary

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