
Polymeric Pol`y*mer"ic, a. [Poly- + Gr. ? part.] (Chem.) Having the same percentage composition (that is, having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight), but different molecular weights; -- often used with with; thus, cyanic acid ({CNOH}), fulminic acid ({C2N2O2H2}), and cyanuric acid ({C3N3O3H3}), are polymeric with each other. [1913 Webster]

Note: The figures expressing the number of atoms of each element in a number of polymeric substances are respectively multiples and factors of each other, or have some simple common divisor. The relation may be merely a numerical one, as in the example given above, or a chemical one, as in the case of aldehyde, paraldehyde, and metaldehyde. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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