Clearance space

Clearance space
Clearance Clear"ance (kl[=e]r"ans), n. 1. The act of clearing; as, to make a thorough clearance. [1913 Webster]

2. A certificate that a ship or vessel has been cleared at the customhouse; permission to sail. [1913 Webster]

Every ship was subject to seizure for want of stamped clearances. --Durke [1913 Webster]

3. Clear or net profit. --Trollope. [1913 Webster]

4. (Mach.) The distance by which one object clears another, as the distance between the piston and cylinder head at the end of a stroke in a steam engine, or the least distance between the point of a cogwheel tooth and the bottom of a space between teeth of a wheel with which it engages. [1913 Webster]

{Clearance space} (Steam engine), the space inclosed in one end of the cylinder, between the valve or valves and the piston, at the beginning of a stroke; waste room. It includes the space caused by the piston's clearance and the space in ports, passageways, etc. Its volume is often expressed as a certain proportion of the volume swept by the piston in a single stroke. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Clearance — Clear ance (kl[=e]r ans), n. 1. The act of clearing; as, to make a thorough clearance. [1913 Webster] 2. A certificate that a ship or vessel has been cleared at the customhouse; permission to sail. [1913 Webster] Every ship was subject to seizure …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • clearance — [n1] permission for activity approval, authorization, consent, endorsement, goahead*, green light*, leave, okay, sanction, sayso*; concept 376 Ant. denial, grounding, refusal, veto clearance [n2] gap above something allowance, assart, defoliated… …   New thesaurus

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  • clearance — 1560s, action of clearing, from CLEAR (Cf. clear) + ANCE (Cf. ance). Meaning a clear space is from 1788. Meaning approval, permission (esp. to land or take off an aircraft) is from 1944, Amer.Eng.; national security sense recorded from 1948.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • clearance — [klir′əns] n. 1. an act or instance of clearing 2. the clear space or distance between moving objects or mechanical parts, or between a moving object and that which it passes through, over, under, etc. 3. official, esp. governmental,… …   English World dictionary

  • clearance — ► NOUN 1) the action or an act of clearing or the process of being cleared. 2) official authorization for something to take place. 3) clear space allowed for a thing to move past or under another …   English terms dictionary

  • clearance — n. act of clearing away 1) slum clearance authorization 2) to give; receive clearance for 3) customs clearance 4) clearance to + inf. (the control tower gave the pilot clearance to land) space between parts 5) valve clearance certification of… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • clearance — clearer, n. /klear euhns/, n. 1. the act of clearing. 2. the distance between two objects; an amount of clear space: The bridge allowed a clearance of 37 feet at mean high water. 3. a formal authorization permitting access to classified… …   Universalium

  • Clearance — A clearance can refer to: in chess, A positional move, where a player moves a piece occupying a certain square away, replacing it with an allied piece that will strengthen the player s position. in engineering and safety, a physical distance or… …   Wikipedia

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