Combination car

Combination car
Combination Com`bi*na"tion, n. [LL. combinatio. See {Combine}.] 1. The act or process of combining or uniting persons and things. [1913 Webster]

Making new compounds by new combinations. --Boyle. [1913 Webster]

A solemn combination shall be made Of our dear souls. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

2. The result of combining or uniting; union of persons or things; esp. a union or alliance of persons or states to effect some purpose; -- usually in a bad sense. [1913 Webster]

A combination of the most powerful men in Rome who had conspired my ruin. --Melmoth. [1913 Webster]

3. (Chem.) The act or process of uniting by chemical affinity, by which substances unite with each other in definite proportions by weight to form distinct compounds. [1913 Webster]

4. pl. (Math.) The different arrangements of a number of objects, as letters, into groups. [1913 Webster]

Note: In combinations no regard is paid to the order in which the objects are arranged in each group, while in variations and permutations this order is respected. --Brande & C. [1913 Webster]

{Combination car}, a railroad car containing two or more compartments used for different purposes. [U. S.]

{Combination lock}, a lock in which the mechanism is controlled by means of a movable dial (sometimes by several dials or rings) inscribed with letters or other characters. The bolt of the lock can not be operated until after the dial has been so turned as to combine the characters in a certain order or succession.

{Combination room}, in the University of Cambridge, Eng., a room into which the fellows withdraw after dinner, for wine, dessert, and conversation.

{Combination by volume} (Chem.), the act, process, or ratio by which gaseous elements and compounds unite in definite proportions by volume to form distinct compounds.

{Combination by weight} (Chem.), the act, process, or ratio, in which substances unite in proportions by weight, relatively fixed and exact, to form distinct compounds. See {Law of definite proportions}, under {Definite}.

Syn: Cabal; alliance; association; league; union; confederacy; coalition; conspiracy. See {Cabal}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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