Conditions of sale

Conditions of sale
Condition Con*di"tion, n. [F., fr. L. conditio (better condicio) agreement, compact, condition; con- + a root signifying to show, point out, akin to dicere to say, dicare to proclaim, dedicate. See {Teach}, {Token}.] 1. Mode or state of being; state or situation with regard to external circumstances or influences, or to physical or mental integrity, health, strength, etc.; predicament; rank; position, estate. [1913 Webster]

I am in my condition A prince, Miranda; I do think, a king. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

And O, what man's condition can be worse Than his whom plenty starves and blessings curse? --Cowley. [1913 Webster]

The new conditions of life. --Darwin. [1913 Webster]

2. Essential quality; property; attribute. [1913 Webster]

It seemed to us a condition and property of divine powers and beings to be hidden and unseen to others. --Bacon. [1913 Webster]

3. Temperament; disposition; character. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

The condition of a saint and the complexion of a devil. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

4. That which must exist as the occasion or concomitant of something else; that which is requisite in order that something else should take effect; an essential qualification; stipulation; terms specified. [1913 Webster]

I had as lief take her dowry with this condition, to be whipped at the high cross every morning. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

Many are apt to believe remission of sins, but they believe it without the condition of repentance. --Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster]

5. (Law) A clause in a contract, or agreement, which has for its object to suspend, to defeat, or in some way to modify, the principal obligation; or, in case of a will, to suspend, revoke, or modify a devise or bequest. It is also the case of a future uncertain event, which may or may not happen, and on the occurrence or non-occurrence of which, the accomplishment, recission, or modification of an obligation or testamentary disposition is made to depend. --Blount. Tomlins. Bouvier. Wharton. [1913 Webster]

{Equation of condition}. (Math.) See under {Equation}.

{On condition} or {Upon condition} (that), used for {if} in introducing conditional sentences. ``Upon condition thou wilt swear to pay him tribute . . . thou shalt be placed as viceroy under him.'' --Shak.

{Conditions of sale}, the terms on which it is proposed to sell property by auction; also, the instrument containing or expressing these terms.

Syn: State; situation; circumstances; station; case; mode; plight; predicament; stipulation; qualification; requisite; article; provision; arrangement. See {State}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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