
Conductance Con*duct"ance (k[o^]n*d[u^]k"tans), n. [Conduct, v. + -ance.] (Elec.) Conducting power; -- the reciprocal of {resistance}. A suggested unit is the mho, the reciprocal of the ohm.

Conductance is an attribute of any specified conductor, and refers to its shape, length, and other factors. Conductivity is an attribute of any specified material without direct reference to its shape or other factors. --Sloane's Elec. Dict. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • conductance — 1. A measure of conductivity; the ratio of the current flowing through a conductor to the difference in potential between the ends of the conductor; the c. of a circuit is the reciprocal of its resistance. 2. The ease with which a …   Medical dictionary

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