
Ormazd Or"mazd, Ormuzd Or"muzd or Ahura-Mazda A`hu*ra-Maz"da, n. [Zend Ahuramazda.] (Zoroastrianism) The supreme deity, the embodiment of the principle of good, creator of the world, source of light, and guardian of mankind. He is the opponent of Ahriman, the spirit of evil, both being sprung from Eternity, or, according to another version, Ahriman being the offspring of a moment of doubt on the part of Ormazd. Ormazd is attended by angels and archangels. He is represented as a bearded man inclosed in a winged circle, a conception probably derived from the Assyrian representations of Ashur. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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