crystal lattice

crystal lattice
Lattice Lat"tice, n. [OE. latis, F. lattis lathwork, fr. latte lath. See {Latten}, 1st {Lath}.] 1. Any work of wood, metal, plastic, or other solid material, made by crossing a series of parallel laths, or thin strips, with another series at a diagonal angle, and forming a network with openings between the strips; as, the lattice of a window; -- called also {latticework}. [1913 Webster]

The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice. --Judg. v. 28. [1913 Webster]

2. (Her.) The representation of a piece of latticework used as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal. [1913 Webster]

3. (Crystallography) The arrangement of atoms or molecules in a crystal, represented as a repeating arrangement of points in space, each point representing the location of an atom or molecule; called also {crystal lattice} and {space lattice}. [PJC]

{Lattice bridge}, a bridge supported by lattice girders, or latticework trusses.

{Lattice girder} (Arch.), a girder of which the wed consists of diagonal pieces crossing each other in the manner of latticework.

{Lattice plant} (Bot.), an aquatic plant of Madagascar ({Ouvirandra fenestralis}), whose leaves have interstices between their ribs and cross veins, so as to resemble latticework. A second species is {Ouvirandra Berneriana}. The genus is merged in {Aponogeton} by recent authors. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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