Dipteryx odorata

Dipteryx odorata
Bean Bean (b[=e]n), n. [OE. bene, AS. be['a]n; akin to D. boon, G. bohne, OHG. p[=o]na, Icel. baun, Dan. b["o]nne, Sw. b["o]na, and perh. to Russ. bob, L. faba.] 1. (Bot.) A name given to the seed of certain leguminous herbs, chiefly of the genera {Faba}, {Phaseolus}, and {Dolichos}; also, to the herbs. [1913 Webster]

Note: The origin and classification of many kinds are still doubtful. Among true beans are: the black-eyed bean and China bean, included in {Dolichos Sinensis}; black Egyptian bean or hyacinth bean, {Dolichos Lablab}; the common haricot beans, kidney beans, string beans, and pole beans, all included in {Phaseolus vulgaris}; the lower bush bean, {Phaseolus vulgaris}, variety nanus; Lima bean, {Phaseolus lunatus}; Spanish bean and scarlet runner, {Phaseolus multiflorus}; Windsor bean, the common bean of England, {Faba vulgaris}. [1913 Webster] As an article of food beans are classed with vegetables. [1913 Webster]

2. The popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more or less resembling true beans. [1913 Webster]

{Bean aphis} (Zo["o]l.), a plant louse ({Aphis fab[ae]}) which infests the bean plant.

{Bean fly} (Zo["o]l.), a fly found on bean flowers.

{Bean goose} (Zo["o]l.), a species of goose ({Anser segetum}).

{Bean weevil} (Zo["o]l.), a small weevil that in the larval state destroys beans. The American species is {Bruchus fab[ae]}.

{Florida bean} (Bot.), the seed of {Mucuna urens}, a West Indian plant. The seeds are washed up on the Florida shore, and are often polished and made into ornaments.

{Ignatius bean}, or {St. Ignatius's bean} (Bot.), a species of {Strychnos}.

{Navy bean}, the common dried white bean of commerce; probably so called because an important article of food in the navy.

{Pea bean}, a very small and highly esteemed variety of the edible white bean; -- so called from its size.

{Sacred bean}. See under {Sacred}.

{Screw bean}. See under {Screw}.

{Sea bean}. (a) Same as {Florida bean}. (b) A red bean of unknown species used for ornament.

{Tonquin bean}, or {Tonka bean}, the fragrant seed of {Dipteryx odorata}, a leguminous tree.

{Vanilla bean}. See under {Vanilla}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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