
Dunce Dunce, n. [From Joannes Duns Scotus, a schoolman called the Subtle Doctor, who died in 1308. Originally in the phrase ``a Duns man''. See Note below.] One backward in book learning; a child or other person dull or weak in intellect; a dullard; a dolt. [1913 Webster]

I never knew this town without dunces of figure. --Swift. [1913 Webster]

Note: The schoolmen were often called, after their great leader Duns Scotus, Dunsmen or Duncemen. In the revival of learning they were violently opposed to classical studies; hence, the name of Dunce was applied with scorn and contempt to an opposer of learning, or to one slow at learning, a dullard. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • dunce — dullard, 1570s, from earlier Duns disciple follower of John Duns Scotus (c.1265 1308), Scottish scholar of philosophy and theology supposed to have been born at Duns in Berwickshire. By 16c., humanist reaction against medieval theology singled… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • dunce — ► NOUN ▪ a person who is slow at learning. ORIGIN originally a name for a follower of the 13th century Scottish theologian John Duns Scotus, whose followers were ridiculed by humanists and reformers as enemies of learning …   English terms dictionary

  • dunce — [duns] n. [after DUNS SCOTUS John: his followers, called Dunsmen, Dunses, Dunces, were regarded as foes of Renaissance humanism] 1. a dull, ignorant person 2. a person slow at learning …   English World dictionary

  • Dunce — A dunce is a person incapable of learning. The word is derived from the name of the great Scholastic theologian and philosopher John Duns Scotus, also referred to as Doctor Subtillis, or Subtle Doctor , whose works on logic, theology and… …   Wikipedia

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