Essential oils

Essential oils
Essential Es*sen"tial ([e^]s*s[e^]n"sjal), a. [Cf. F. essentiel. See {Essence}.] 1. Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. [1913 Webster]

Majestic as the voice sometimes became, there was forever in it an essential character of plaintiveness. --Hawthorne. [1913 Webster]

2. Hence, really existing; existent. [1913 Webster]

Is it true, that thou art but a name, And no essential thing? --Webster (1623). [1913 Webster]

3. Important in the highest degree; indispensable to the attainment of an object; indispensably necessary. [1913 Webster]

Judgment's more essential to a general Than courage. --Denham. [1913 Webster]

How to live? -- that is the essential question for us. --H. Spencer. [1913 Webster]

4. Containing the essence or characteristic portion of a substance, as of a plant; highly rectified; pure; hence, unmixed; as, an essential oil. ``Mine own essential horror.'' --Ford. [1913 Webster]

5. (Mus.) Necessary; indispensable; -- said of those tones which constitute a chord, in distinction from ornamental or passing tones. [1913 Webster]

6. (Med.) Idiopathic; independent of other diseases. [1913 Webster]

{Essential character} (Biol.), the prominent characteristics which serve to distinguish one genus, species, etc., from another.

{Essential disease}, {Essential fever} (Med.), one that is not dependent on another.

{Essential oils} (Chem.), a class of volatile oils, extracted from plants, fruits, or flowers, having each its characteristic odor, and hot burning taste. They are used in essences, perfumery, etc., and include many varieties of compounds; as {lemon oil} is a terpene, {oil of bitter almonds} an aldehyde, {oil of wintergreen} an ethereal salt, etc.; -- called also {volatile oils} in distinction from the fixed or nonvolatile. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • essential oils — plural noun Oils which give plants their fragrance, used in cosmetics, toiletries, etc and in aromatherapy (also called ethereal oils or volatile oils) • • • Main Entry: ↑essence …   Useful english dictionary

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  • essential oils — Oil Oil (oil), n. [OE. oile, OF. oile, F. huile, fr. L. oleum; akin to Gr. ?. Cf. {Olive}.] Any one of a great variety of unctuous combustible substances, more viscous than and not miscible with water; as, olive oil, whale oil, rock oil, etc.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Gary Young - President of Young Living Essential Oils — D. Gary Young (1949) is the founder and president of Young Living Essential Oils, a global company, headquartered in Lehi, Utah. An author and lecturer, Young has spent the last two decades growing and distilling pure essential oils. Young owns… …   Wikipedia

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  • Essential — Es*sen tial ([e^]s*s[e^]n sjal), a. [Cf. F. essentiel. See {Essence}.] 1. Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. [1913 Webster] Majestic as the voice sometimes became, there was forever in it an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Essential character — Essential Es*sen tial ([e^]s*s[e^]n sjal), a. [Cf. F. essentiel. See {Essence}.] 1. Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. [1913 Webster] Majestic as the voice sometimes became, there was forever …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Essential disease — Essential Es*sen tial ([e^]s*s[e^]n sjal), a. [Cf. F. essentiel. See {Essence}.] 1. Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. [1913 Webster] Majestic as the voice sometimes became, there was forever …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Essential fever — Essential Es*sen tial ([e^]s*s[e^]n sjal), a. [Cf. F. essentiel. See {Essence}.] 1. Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is. [1913 Webster] Majestic as the voice sometimes became, there was forever …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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