Multiple Mul"ti*ple, a. [Cf. F. multiple, and E. quadruple, and multiply.] Containing more than once, or more than one; consisting of more than one; manifold; repeated many times; having several, or many, parts. [1913 Webster]

{Law of multiple proportion} (Chem.), the generalization that when the same elements unite in more than one proportion, forming two or more different compounds, the higher proportions of the elements in such compounds are simple multiples of the lowest proportion, or the proportions are connected by some simple common factor; thus, iron and oxygen unite in the proportions {FeO}, {Fe2O3}, {Fe3O4}, in which compounds, considering the oxygen, 3 and 4 are simple multiplies of 1. Called also the {Law of Dalton} or {Dalton's Law}, from its discoverer.

{Multiple algebra}, a branch of advanced mathematics that treats of operations upon units compounded of two or more unlike units.

{Multiple conjugation} (Biol.), a coalescence of many cells (as where an indefinite number of am[oe]boid cells flow together into a single mass) from which conjugation proper and even fertilization may have been evolved.

{Multiple fruits}. (Bot.) See {Collective fruit}, under {Collective}.

{Multiple star} (Astron.), several stars in close proximity, which appear to form a single system. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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