Angular velocity

Angular velocity
Angular An"gu*lar, a. [L. angularis, fr. angulus angle, corner. See {Angle}.] 1. Relating to an angle or to angles; having an angle or angles; forming an angle or corner; sharp-cornered; pointed; as, an angular figure. [1913 Webster]

2. Measured by an angle; as, angular distance. [1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: Lean; lank; raw-boned; ungraceful; sharp and stiff in character; as, remarkably angular in his habits and appearance; an angular female. [1913 Webster]

{Angular aperture}, {Angular distance}. See {Aperture}, {Distance}.

{Angular motion}, the motion of a body about a fixed point or fixed axis, as of a planet or pendulum. It is equal to the angle passed over at the point or axis by a line drawn to the body.

{Angular point}, the point at which the sides of the angle meet; the vertex.

{Angular velocity}, the ratio of anuglar motion to the time employed in describing. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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