Annatto — Annatto, sometimes called Roucou , is a derivative of the achiote trees of tropical regions of the Americas, used to produce a red food coloring and also as a flavoring. Its scent is described as slightly peppery with a hint of nutmeg and flavor… … Wikipedia
annatto — [ə nät′ō, änät′ō] n. [of WInd orig.] a dye of reddish yellow made from the pulp around the seeds of a tropical dicotyledonous tree (Bixa orellana, family Bixaceae): it is used for coloring butter, cheese, varnishes, etc … English World dictionary
Annatto — Samen des Annattostrauches Annatto (E 160b) ist die Bezeichnung für die als Gewürz verwendeten und rötlich gelb färbenden Samen des Orleansstrauches (botanischer Name: Bixa orellana). Andere Namen sind Achote, Bixin, Orlean, Ruku, Anatto; die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
annatto — noun Etymology: Carib annoto tree producing annatto Date: 1629 1. a yellowish red dyestuff made from the pulp around the seeds of a tropical American tree (Bixa orellana) 2. the tree from which annatto is derived; also its dried seed used to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
annatto — n. small evergreen tree that grows in tropical America and has heart shaped leaves and white or pink flowers; seeds of the annatto tree (used for their coloring effect or as seasoning in food); yellowy reddish dye made from annatto seeds … English contemporary dictionary
Annatto — Roucou Roucou … Wikipédia en Français
annatto — /euh nat oh, euh nah toh/, n., pl. annattos. 1. a small tree, Bixa orellana, of tropical America. 2. Also, arnatto. a yellowish red dye obtained from the pulp enclosing the seeds of this tree, used for coloring fabrics, butter, varnish, etc. Also … Universalium
annatto — [ə natəʊ] (also anatto) noun (plural annattos) 1》 an orange red dye obtained from the seed coat of a tropical fruit, used for colouring foods. 2》 the tropical American tree from which annatto is obtained. [Bixa orellana.] Origin C17: from Carib … English new terms dictionary
annatto — dažinė urlija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Urlijinių šeimos dažinis, vaistinis augalas (Bixa orellana), paplitęs Šiaurės ir Pietų Amerikoje. Naudojamas maisto dažikliams gaminti, iš jo gaunamas biksinas. atitikmenys: lot. Bixa orellana… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
annatto — n. (also anatta, anatto) an orange red dye from the pulp of a tropical fruit, used for colouring foods. Etymology: Carib name of the fruit tree * * * annatto, annotta, annotto varr. anatta … Useful english dictionary