
Apercu A`per`[,c]u" ([.a]`p[^a]r`s[.u]"), n.; pl. {Aper[,c]us} (-s[.u]"). [F., prop. p. p. of apercevoir to perceive.] 1. A first view or glance, or the perception or estimation so obtained; an immediate apprehension or insight, appreciative rather than analytic. [1913 Webster]

The main object being to develop the several aper[,c]us or insights which furnish the method of such psychology. --W. T. Harris. [1913 Webster]

A series of partial and more or less disparate aper[,c]us or outlooks; each for itself a center of experience. --James Ward. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. Hence, a brief or detached view; conspectus; sketch. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] ||

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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