
icon i"con ([imac]"k[o^]n), n. [Also spelled {ikon}.] [L., fr. Gr. e'ikw`n.] 1. An image or representation; a portrait or pretended portrait. [1913 Webster]

Netherlands whose names and icons are published. --Hakewill. [1913 Webster]

2. (Gr. Ch.) A sacred picture representing the Virgin Mary, Christ, a saint, or a martyr, and having the same function as an image of such a person in the Latin Church. The term is used especially for a highly stylized and conventionalized representation of a holy person, rich in symbolism and used in devotional services in many of the eastern Orthodox churches, especially the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

3. a symbol, especially a symbol whose form suggests its meaning or the object it represents. [PJC]

4. (Computers) a graphical symbol for a data object whose form suggests the nature or function of the object; especially, such a symbol as viewed on the computer screen.

Note: In a graphical user interface, pointing to and clicking on an icon may cause any of several types of actions, such as opening a file or executing a program, depending on how the icon properties are defined. [PJC]

5. any object of uncritical devotion. [PJC]

The former congresswoman and Vice-Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro is still an icon to many party members. --The New York Times, April 16, 1998 [PJC]

6. an outstanding example of something which has come to represent the class of things to which it belongs; a paragon; used of persons as well as objects. [PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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