
Incident In"ci*dent, n. [Cf. F. incident.] 1. That which falls out or takes place; an event; casualty; occurrence. [1913 Webster]

2. That which happens aside from the main design; an accidental or subordinate action or event. [1913 Webster]

No person, no incident, in a play but must be of use to carry on the main design. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

3. (Law) Something appertaining to, passing with, or depending on, another, called the principal. --Tomlins.

Syn: Circumstance; event; fact; adventure; contingency; chance; accident; casualty. See {Event}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • incident — 1. (in si dan) s. m. 1°   Événement qui survient dans le cours d une entreprise, d une affaire. •   Nous allons régaler, mon père, votre abord D un incident tout frais, qui vous surprendra fort, MOL. Tart. VI, 5. •   Il arriva un incident qui fit …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • incident — INCIDÉNT, Ă, incidenţi, te, s.n., adj. I. s.n. 1. Întâmplare neaşteptată (şi neplăcută) care apare în desfăşurarea unei acţiuni. ♢ Incident de frontieră = ciocnire armată între forţele grănicereşti a două state vecine. ♦ Greutate, dificultate. 2 …   Dicționar Român

  • incident — in·ci·dent 1 / in sə dənt, ˌdənt/ n 1: a distinct occurrence or event an incident of sexual harassment 2: a subordinate, dependent, or consequential element the search was a legitimate incident to the arrest child support and other incident s of… …   Law dictionary

  • incident — Incident, ou Incidens, Liticula subnata, Disceptatiuncula, Praescriptiuncula, Appendices, et Appendiculae, Soboles matricis controuersiae, Liticulae obiter enatae, Quaestiones emergentes, Lites summum causae praecurrentes, et summae liti… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Incident — may refer to:* A property of a graph (mathematics) (see also glossary of graph theory) *Incident, Culfest of NITK Surathkal, a cultural festival of The National Institute of Technology in Surathkal, Karnataka, India * Incident management, the… …   Wikipedia

  • incident — incident, incidental adjectives. Incident has been almost entirely replaced as an adjective by incidental, so that a sentence such as Those in the highest station have their incident cares and troubles now sounds decidedly dated. This freeing of… …   Modern English usage

  • Incident — In ci*dent, a. [L. incidens, entis, p. pr. & of incidere to fall into or upon; pref. in in, on + cadere to fall: cf. F. incident. See {Cadence}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Falling or striking upon, as a ray of light upon a reflecting surface. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • incident — [in′sə dənt] adj. [OFr < ML < prp. of L incidere, to fall upon < in , on + cadere, to fall: see CASE1] 1. likely to happen as a result or concomitant; incidental (to) [the cares incident to parenthood] 2. falling upon, striking, or… …   English World dictionary

  • incident — ► NOUN 1) an event or occurrence. 2) a violent event, such as an attack. 3) the occurrence of dangerous or exciting events: the plane landed without incident. ► ADJECTIVE 1) (incident to) resulting from. 2) (of light or other radiation) falling …   English terms dictionary

  • incident — incìdent m <G mn nātā> DEFINICIJA nepredviđen događaj, nemio slučaj [izazvati incident; došlo je do incidenta]; izgred ETIMOLOGIJA srlat. incidens ← lat. incidere: upasti, dogoditi se …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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