intermediate product

intermediate product
Intermediate In`ter*me"di*ate, n. 1. A person who intermediates between others, especially in negotiations; an intermediary; a mediator. [PJC]

2. Something that is intermediate. [PJC]

3. Specifically: (Chem.) A compound which is produced in the course of a chemical synthesis, which is not itself the final product, but is used in further reactions which produce the final product; also called {synthetic intermediate}, {intermediate compound} or {intermediate product}; -- contrasted to {starting material} and {end product} or {final product}. There may be many different intermediates between the {starting material} and end product in the course of a complex synthesis; as, many industrial chemicals are produced primarily to be used as intermediates in other syntheses.

Note: The term has the same meaning with respect to intermediate compounds produced in a biosynthetic pathway in living organisms. [PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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