- Lamellarly
- Lamellarly \Lam"el*lar*ly\, adv. In thin plates or scales. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
lamellarly — See lamellar. * * * … Universalium
lamellarly — adv. in the form of a lamella; in the form of a thin plate or layer … English contemporary dictionary
lamellarly — lamel·lar·ly … English syllables
lamellarly — adverb see lamellar … Useful english dictionary
lamellar — lamellarly, adv. /leuh mel euhr, lam euh leuhr/, adj. 1. referring to a lamella or lamellae. 2. lamellate. 3. noting a type of armor composed of small plates or lames laced together. 4. Math. conservative (def. 7). [1785 95; LAMELL(A) + AR1] * *… … Universalium
lamella — [lə mel′ə] n. pl. lamellae [lə mel′ē] or lamellas [L, dim. of lamina: see LAMINA] a thin, platelike part, layer, organ, or structure; specif., a) one of the layers of bone around a Haversian canal b) one of the two plates forming a gill in… … English World dictionary