
Marshal Mar"shal, n. [OE. mareschal, OF. mareschal, F. mar['e]chal, LL. mariscalcus, from OHG. marah-scalc (G. marschall); marah horse + scalc servant (akin to AS. scealc, Goth. skalks). F. mar['e]chal signifies, a marshal, and a farrier. See {Mare} horse, and cf. {Seneschal}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Originally, an officer who had the care of horses; a groom. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

2. An officer of high rank, charged with the arrangement of ceremonies, the conduct of operations, or the like; as, specifically: (a) One who goes before a prince to declare his coming and provide entertainment; a harbinger; a pursuivant. (b) One who regulates rank and order at a feast or any other assembly, directs the order of procession, and the like. (c) The chief officer of arms, whose duty it was, in ancient times, to regulate combats in the lists. --Johnson. (d) (France) The highest military officer. In other countries of Europe a marshal is a military officer of high rank, and called {field marshal}. (e) (Am. Law) A ministerial officer, appointed for each judicial district of the United States, to execute the process of the courts of the United States, and perform various duties, similar to those of a sheriff. The name is also sometimes applied to certain police officers of a city. [1913 Webster]

{Earl marshal of England}, the eighth officer of state; an honorary title, and personal, until made hereditary in the family of the Duke of Norfolk. During a vacancy in the office of high constable, the earl marshal has jurisdiction in the court of chivalry. --Brande & C.

{Earl marshal of Scotland}, an officer who had command of the cavalry under the constable. This office was held by the family of Keith, but forfeited by rebellion in 1715.

{Knight marshal}, or {Marshal of the King's house}, formerly, in England, the marshal of the king's house, who was authorized to hear and determine all pleas of the Crown, to punish faults committed within the verge, etc. His court was called the Court of Marshalsea.

{Marshal of the Queen's Bench}, formerly the title of the officer who had the custody of the Queen's bench prison in Southwark. --Mozley & W. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • marshal — mar·shal 1 / mär shəl/ n 1: a ministerial officer appointed for each judicial district of the U.S. to execute the process of the courts and perform various duties similar to those of a sheriff 2: a law officer in some cities (as New York) of the… …   Law dictionary

  • marshal — [ marʃal ] n. m. • 1862; mot angl. amér.; angl. marshal (XIIIe), du fr. marescal; cf. maréchal ♦ Anglic. Aux États Unis, Officier de police fédéral dans un comté ou un district fédéral. ⇒aussi shérif. Des marshals. marshal [maʀʃal] n. m …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • marshal — [mär′shəl] n. [ME marescal < OFr mareschal < Frank * marhskalk or OHG marahscalh, lit., horse servant (> ML marescalcus) < marah, horse (akin to OE mearh, horse: see MARE1) + scalh, servant < IE base * sk̑el , to spring] 1. a groom …   English World dictionary

  • Marshal — Mar shal, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Marshaled}or {Marshalled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Marshaling} or {Marshalling}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To dispose in order; to arrange in a suitable manner; as, to marshal troops or an army. [1913 Webster] And marshaling the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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