Roman calendar

Roman calendar
Roman calendar Roman calendar The calendar of the ancient Romans, from which our modern calendars are derived. It is said to have consisted originally of ten months, Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December, having a total of 304 days. Numa added two months, Januarius at the beginning of the year, and Februarius at the end, making in all 355 days. He also ordered an intercalary month, Mercedinus, to be inserted every second year. Later the order of the months was changed so that January should come before February. Through abuse of power by the pontiffs to whose care it was committed, this calendar fell into confusion. It was replaced by the Julian calendar. In designating the days of the month, the Romans reckoned backward from three fixed points, the calends, the nones, and the ides. The calends were always the first day of the month. The ides fell on the 15th in March, May, July (Quintilis), and October, and on the 13th in other months. The nones came on the eighth day (the ninth, counting the ides) before the ides. Thus, Jan. 13 was called the ides of January, Jan. 12, the day before the ides, and Jan. 11, the third day before the ides (since the ides count as one), while Jan. 14 was the 19th day before the calends of February. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Roman calendar — n. the calendar used by the ancient Romans before the Julian calendar: it consisted first of ten months, later twelve …   English World dictionary

  • Roman calendar — The Roman calendar changed its form several times in the time between the founding of Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire. This article generally discusses the early Roman or pre Julian calendars. The calendar used after 46 BC is discussed …   Wikipedia

  • Roman calendar — noun the lunar calendar in use in ancient Rome; replaced by the Julian calendar in 46 BC • Hypernyms: ↑lunar calendar * * * the calendar in use in ancient Rome until 46 B.C., when it was replaced with the Julian calendar. Cf. Year of Confusion.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Roman calendar — /roʊmən ˈkæləndə/ (say rohmuhn kaluhnduh) noun the ancient Roman calendar, replaced by the Julian calendar; the ancestor of present day calendars …  

  • Roman calendar — calendar used by the ancient Romans …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Roman calendar — the calendar in use in ancient Rome until 46 B.C., when it was replaced with the Julian calendar. Cf. Year of Confusion. [1780 90] * * * …   Universalium

  • Roman calendar — Ro′man cal′endar n. the calendar in use in ancient Rome until 46 b.c., when it was replaced with the Julian calendar • Etymology: 1780–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • Roman calendar — See Gregorian calendar; Julian calendar …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • General Roman Calendar — Contents 1 General Roman Calendar 1.1 Moveable (General Calendar) 1.2 January (General Calendar) …   Wikipedia

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