
Usurpation U`sur*pa"tion, n. [L. usurpatio ? making use, usurpation: cf. F. usurpation.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of usurping, or of seizing and enjoying; an authorized, arbitrary assumption and exercise of power, especially an infringing on the rights of others; specifically, the illegal seizure of sovereign power; -- commonly used with of, also used with on or upon; as, the usurpation of a throne; the usurpation of the supreme power. [1913 Webster]

He contrived their destruction, with the usurpation of the regal dignity upon him. --Sir T. More. [1913 Webster]

A law [of a State] which is a usurpation upon the general government. --O. Ellsworth. [1913 Webster]

Manifest usurpation on the rights of other States. --D. Webster. [1913 Webster]

Note: Usurpation, in a peculiar sense, formerly denoted the absolute ouster and dispossession of the patron of a church, by a stranger presenting a clerk to a vacant benefice, who us thereupon admitted and instituted. [1913 Webster]

2. Use; usage; custom. [Obs.] --Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • usurpation — [ yzyrpasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1374; lat. usurpatio ♦ Action d usurper; son résultat. ⇒ 1. appropriation. ♢ Dr. Usurpation de pouvoir, commise par un agent administratif qui empiète sur le domaine réservé aux autorités judiciaires. Usurpation de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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