
Chippendale Chip"pen*dale, a. Designating furniture designed, or like that designed, by Thomas Chippendale, an English cabinetmaker of the 18th century. Chippendale furniture was generally of simple but graceful outline with delicately carved rococo ornamentation, sculptured either in the solid wood or, in the cheaper specimens, separately and glued on. In the more elaborate pieces three types are recognized: {French Chippendale}, having much detail, like Louis Quatorze and Louis Quinze; {Chinese Chippendale}, marked by latticework and pagodalike pediments; and {Gothic Chippendale}, attempting to adapt medieval details. The forms, as of the cabriole and chairbacks, often resemble Queen Anne. In chairs, the seat is widened at the front, and the back toward the top widened and bent backward, except in Chinese Chippendale, in which the backs are usually rectangular. -- {Chip"pen*dal*ism}, n. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

It must be clearly and unmistakably understood, then, that, whenever painted (that is to say, decorated with painted enrichment) or inlaid furniture is described as Chippendale, no matter where or by whom, it is a million chances to one that the description is incorrect. --R. D. Benn. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • chippendale — [ ʃipɛndal ] adj. inv. • 1922; de T. Chippendale, ébéniste angl. ♦ Didact. Qui appartient à un style de mobilier anglais du XVIIIe s. Des commodes chippendale. N. m. inv. Se meubler en chippendale. Chippendale (Thomas) (v. 1718 1779) ébéniste… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Chippendale — 1876, from Thomas Chippendale (c.1718 1779), English cabinetmaker. The family name (13c.) is from Chippingdale, Lancashire (probably from O.E. ceaping a market, marketplace, related to cheap). Chippendales beefcake dance revue, began late 1970s… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Chippendale — [chip′ən dāl΄] adj. [after Thomas Chippendale ( c. 1718 79), Eng cabinetmaker] designating or of an 18th cent. Eng. style of furniture characterized by graceful lines and, often, rococo ornamentation …   English World dictionary

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  • chippendale — (izg. čȉpendējl) m DEFINICIJA pov. stil izrade pokućstva (18. st.) lakih i čvrstih oblika, s drvorezbarskim ukrasnim motivima; prisutni gotički i kineski utjecaji ETIMOLOGIJA engl., prema Thomasu Chippendaleu, engleskom umjetničkom stolaru …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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