
Crinoline Crin"o*line (kr?n"?-l?n), n. [F., fr. crin hair,L. crinis.] 1. A kind of stiff cloth, used chiefly by women, for underskirts, to expand the gown worn over it; -- so called because originally made of hair. [1913 Webster]

2. A lady's skirt made of any stiff material; latterly, a hoop skirt. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • crinoline — [ krinɔlin ] n. f. • 1829; it. crinolino, de crino « crin » et lino « lin » 1 ♦ Vx Étoffe à trame de crin. 2 ♦ Par ext. (1856) Armature de baleines et de cercles d acier flexibles, que les femmes portaient sous leur jupe pour la faire bouffer. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • crinoline — 1830, from Fr. crinoline hair cloth (19c.), from It. crinolino, from crino horsehair (from L. crinis hair ) + lino flax, thread, from L. linum (see LINEN (Cf. linen)). So called from the warp and woof fibers of the original mixture …   Etymology dictionary

  • Crinoline — (v. franz.), 1) Gewebe aus Roßhaar, vorzüglich zu Möbelbezügen; 2) Drahtgestell, welches von Frauen unter dem Oberkleide getragen wird, um dem Rocke einen größeren Umfang zu geben u. denselben glatt zu erhalten; war 1856 zuerst in Frankreich Mode …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • crinoline — ► NOUN ▪ a stiffened or hooped petticoat formerly worn to make a long skirt stand out. ORIGIN French, from Latin crinis hair + linum thread …   English terms dictionary

  • crinoline — [krin′ə lin΄, krin′lēn΄] n. [Fr < It crinolino < crino, horsehair (< L crinis: see CRINITE) + lino, linen < L linum: see LINE2] 1. a coarse, stiff, heavily sized cloth used as a lining for stiffening garments: orig. made of horsehair… …   English World dictionary

  • Crinoline — Bustle cage crinoline, c. 1868, Victoria and Albert Museum. Cutaway vie …   Wikipedia

  • Crinoline — Robe à crinoline Séquence de pose d une cr …   Wikipédia en Français

  • crinoline — /krin l in/, n. 1. a petticoat of haircloth or other stiff material, worn under a full skirt to keep it belled out. 2. a stiff, coarse cotton material for interlining. 3. a hoop skirt. 4. a reinforcement of iron straps for holding together… …   Universalium

  • crinoline — (kri no li n ) s. f. 1°   Étoffe de crin dont on fait des cols, des sacs, des couvertures de meubles, des jupons ; la chaîne de l étoffe est en fil noir et la trame en crin. Casquette de crinoline. Jupe garnie de crinoline. 2°   Espèce de jupon… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • crinoline — noun Etymology: French, from Italian crinolino, from crino horsehair (from Latin crinis hair) + lino flax, linen, from Latin linum more at crest Date: 1830 1. an open weave fabric of horsehair or cotton that is usually stiffened and used… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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