Directories, Catholic — • Directorium simply means guide, but in the later Middle Ages it came to be specially applied to guides for the recitation of Office and Mass Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
directories — di·rec·to·ry || dɪ rektÉ™rɪ n. guidebook; library, subdivision of a disk in which files are stored (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Directories — PodWEB A listing of websites generated by human efforts rather than automated scripts. These websites may be given a short description and placed in a category … Audio and video glossary
Catholic Directories — Catholic Directories † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Directories The ecclesiastical sense of the word directory, as will be shown later, has become curiously confused with its secular use, but historically speaking the… … Catholic encyclopedia
Affiliate programs directories — Affiliate program directories are niche web directories that are very like the large and broad web directories like the Yahoo! Directory or the Open Directory Project also known s Dmoz. Web directories are like the Yellow pages in the offline… … Wikipedia
Thomson Directories — is a publisher of local directories based in Farnborough, Hampshire, England including the Thomson Local. They are a subsidiary of Seat Pagine Gialle, and a competitor to the Yellow Pages. They are responsible for innovative features such as… … Wikipedia
Avicenna Directories — The Avicenna Directories project, named after Avicenna, was announced in March 2008. Educating health professionals: the Avicenna project The Lancet , Volume 371 pp 966 – 967] The objective of the project is to create new web based global… … Wikipedia
List of web directories — A web directory is a listing of websites organized in a hierarchy or interconnected list of categories.The following is a list of web directory services for which Wikipedia has articles.DirectoriesGeneral* Ansearch Web search and Directories… … Wikipedia
Creative Commons-licensed content directories — Creative Commons is maintaining a content directory wiki of organizations and projects using Creative Commons licenses.[1] On its website CC also provides case studies of projects using CC licenses across the world.[2] CC licensed content can… … Wikipedia
Bulmer (directories) — Bulmer was a Victorian historian, surveyor, cartographer and compiler of directories.List of directories* Bulmer s History, Topography and Directory of East Cumberland, 1883 * Bulmer s History, Topography and Directory of West Cumberland, 1884. * … Wikipedia