Asparagus racemosus

Asparagus racemosus
Asparagus As*par"a*gus ([a^]s*p[a^]r"[.a]*g[u^]s), n. [L., fr. Gr. 'aspa`ragos, 'asfa`ragos; cf. sparga^n to swell with sap or juice, and Zend [,c]paregha prong, sprout, Pers. asparag, Lith. spurgas sprout, Skr. sphurj to swell. Perh. the Greek borrowed from the Persian. Cf. {Sparrowgrass}.] 1. (Bot.) A genus of perennial plants belonging to the natural order {Liliace[ae]}, and having erect much branched stems, and very slender branchlets which are sometimes mistaken for leaves. {Asparagus racemosus} is a shrubby climbing plant with fragrant flowers. Specifically: The {Asparagus officinalis}, a species cultivated in gardens. [1913 Webster]

2. The young and tender shoots of {Asparagus officinalis}, which form a valuable and well-known article of food. [1913 Webster]

Note: This word was formerly pronounced {sparrowgrass}; but this pronunciation is now confined exclusively to uneducated people. [1913 Webster]

{Asparagus beetle} (Zo["o]l.), a small beetle ({Crioceris asparagi}) injurious to asparagus. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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