To stand in the gate

To stand in the gate
Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in the wall of a city, of an inclosed field or place, or of a grand edifice, etc.; also, the movable structure of timber, metal, etc., by which the passage can be closed. [1913 Webster]

2. An opening for passage in any inclosing wall, fence, or barrier; or the suspended framework which closes or opens a passage. Also, figuratively, a means or way of entrance or of exit. [1913 Webster]

Knowest thou the way to Dover? Both stile and gate, horse way and footpath. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

Opening a gate for a long war. --Knolles. [1913 Webster]

3. A door, valve, or other device, for stopping the passage of water through a dam, lock, pipe, etc. [1913 Webster]

4. (Script.) The places which command the entrances or access; hence, place of vantage; power; might. [1913 Webster]

The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. --Matt. xvi. 18. [1913 Webster]

5. In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into. [1913 Webster]

6. (Founding) (a) The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mold; the ingate. (b) The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece. [Written also {geat} and {git}.] [1913 Webster]

{Gate chamber}, a recess in the side wall of a canal lock, which receives the opened gate.

{Gate channel}. See {Gate}, 5.

{Gate hook}, the hook-formed piece of a gate hinge.

{Gate money}, entrance money for admission to an inclosure.

{Gate tender}, one in charge of a gate, as at a railroad crossing.

{Gate valva}, a stop valve for a pipe, having a sliding gate which affords a straight passageway when open.

{Gate vein} (Anat.), the portal vein.

{To break gates} (Eng. Univ.), to enter a college inclosure after the hour to which a student has been restricted.

{To stand in the gate} or {To stand in the gates}, to occupy places or advantage, power, or defense. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • stand in the gate — (Bible) To occupy a position of defence • • • Main Entry: ↑gate …   Useful english dictionary

  • To stand in the gates — Gate Gate (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gate — (g[=a]t), n. [OE. [yogh]et, [yogh]eat, giat, gate, door, AS. geat, gat, gate, door; akin to OS., D., & Icel. gat opening, hole, and perh. to E. gate a way, gait, and get, v. Cf. {Gate} a way, 3d {Get}.] 1. A large door or passageway in the wall… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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