Unmentionables — Un*men tion*a*bles, n. pl. The breeches; trousers. [Jocose] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
unmentionables — [un men′shən əbəlz] pl.n. things regarded as improper to be mentioned or talked about; specif., in jocular use, undergarments * * * … Universalium
unmentionables — [un men′shən əbəlz] pl.n. things regarded as improper to be mentioned or talked about; specif., in jocular use, undergarments … English World dictionary
unmentionables — n Women s underwear. When Gladys bends over you can see her unmentionables. 1940s … Historical dictionary of American slang
unmentionables — 1. obsolete trousers or undergarments 19th century prudery forbade the mention of anything to do with legs: She had vowed never to change her unmentionables until her husband, Archduke Albert, took the city of Ostend by siege. (Jennings … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
unmentionables — noun undergarments, underwear, drawers … Wiktionary
unmentionables — un|men|tion|a|bles [ʌnˈmenʃənəbəlz] n [plural] old fashioned underwear used humorously … Dictionary of contemporary English
unmentionables — un|men|tion|a|bles [ ʌn menʃənəblz ] noun plural OLD FASHIONED 1. ) HUMOROUS underwear 2. ) used for referring to parts of the body such as the sex organs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unmentionables — n pl a. underwear b. the genitals A mock Victorian euphemism for taboo personal items. The expression was used fairly seriously in the early 1900s; since at least World War II the usage has invariably been facetious … Contemporary slang
unmentionables — n. something that cannot be said, something that cannot be mentioned … English contemporary dictionary