
Cannon Can"non, n.; pl. {Cannons}, collectively {Cannon}. [F. cannon, fr. L. canna reed, pipe, tube. See {Cane}.] 1. A great gun; a piece of ordnance or artillery; a firearm for discharging heavy shot with great force. [1913 Webster]

Note: Cannons are made of various materials, as iron, brass, bronze, and steel, and of various sizes and shapes with respect to the special service for which they are intended, as intended, as siege, seacoast, naval, field, or mountain, guns. They always aproach more or less nearly to a cylindrical from, being usually thicker toward the breech than at the muzzle. Formerly they were cast hollow, afterwards they were cast, solid, and bored out. The cannon now most in use for the armament of war vessels and for seacoast defense consists of a forged steel tube reinforced with massive steel rings shrunk upon it. Howitzers and mortars are sometimes called cannon. See {Gun}. [1913 Webster]

2. (Mech.) A hollow cylindrical piece carried by a revolving shaft, on which it may, however, revolve independently. [1913 Webster]

3. (Printing.) A kind of type. See {Canon}. [1913 Webster]

{Cannon ball}, strictly, a round solid missile of stone or iron made to be fired from a cannon, but now often applied to a missile of any shape, whether solid or hollow, made for cannon. Elongated and cylindrical missiles are sometimes called bolts; hollow ones charged with explosives are properly called shells.

{Cannon bullet}, a cannon ball. [Obs.]

{Cannon cracker}, a fire cracker of large size.

{Cannon lock}, a device for firing a cannon by a percussion primer.

{Cannon metal}. See {Gun Metal}.

{Cannon pinion}, the pinion on the minute hand arbor of a watch or clock, which drives the hand but permits it to be moved in setting.

{Cannon proof}, impenetrable by cannon balls.

{Cannon shot}. (a) A cannon ball. (b) The range of a cannon. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Cannon — Can non, n.; pl. {Cannons}, collectively {Cannon}. [F. cannon, fr. L. canna reed, pipe, tube. See {Cane}.] 1. A great gun; a piece of ordnance or artillery; a firearm for discharging heavy shot with great force. [1913 Webster] Note: Cannons are… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • cannon — [kan′ən] n. pl. cannons or cannon [ME & OFr canon < It cannone < canna: see CANE; in CANNON n. 5 & vt. 2, vi. 2, altered < CAROM] 1. a) a large, mounted piece of …   English World dictionary

  • CANNON (W. B.) — CANNON WALTER BRADFORD (1871 1945) L’un des plus grands physiologistes américains, dont le nom reste surtout attaché à la théorie de l’homéostasie. Né dans le Wisconsin à Prairie du Chien, Cannon entre à Harvard en 1896. Docteur en médecine en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Cannon —   [ kænən],    1) Anny Jump, amerikanische Astronomin, * Dover (Delaware) 11. 12. 1863, ✝ Cambridge (Massachusetts) 13. 4. 1941; wirkte am Harvard Observatorium; entwickelte eine Sternklassifizierung nach Spektralklassen (die Harvard… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cannon — 1. This word for a large gun is now confined, apart from its historical reference, to a shell firing gun in aircraft (a use first recorded in 1919). Historically the word is used both as an ordinary noun (with plural cannons), and as a collective …   Modern English usage

  • cannon — c.1400, tube for projectiles, from O.Fr. canon (14c.), from It. cannone large tube, augmentive of L. canna reed, tube (see CANE (Cf. cane)). Cannon fodder (1891) translates Ger. kanonenfutter (Cf. Shakespeare s food for powder in I Hen. IV ).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cannon — Can non, v. i. 1. To discharge cannon. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. To collide or strike violently, esp. so as to glance off or rebound; to strike and rebound. He heard the right hand goal post crack as a pony cannoned into it crack, splinter, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cannon — ► NOUN (pl. usu. same) 1) a large, heavy piece of artillery formerly used in warfare. 2) an automatic heavy gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank. ► VERB chiefly Brit. (cannon into/off) ▪ collide with forcefully or at an angle. ORIGIN… …   English terms dictionary

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