
Bignonia Big*no"ni*a, prop. n. [Named from the Abb['e] Bignon.] 1. (Bot.) A large genus of American, mostly tropical, climbing shrubs, having compound leaves and showy somewhat tubular flowers. {Bignonia capreolata} is the cross vine of the Southern United States. The trumpet creeper (also called the trumpet vine), with large red tubular flowers, was formerly considered to be of this genus, but is now classified as {Campsis radicans}. [1913 Webster +PJC]

2. any member of the family {Bignoniaceae}, including the {bignonia[1]}, {catalpa}, {trumpet creeper}, and {princess tree}. They typically have brightly colored tubular (trumpet-shaped) flowers. [PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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