
Chafing Chaf"ing, n. [See {Chafe}, v. t.] The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing. [1913 Webster]

{Chafing dish}, a dish or vessel for cooking on the table, or for keeping food warm, either by coals, by a lamp, or by hot water; a portable grate for coals.

{Chafing gear} (Naut.), any material used to protect sails, rigging, or the like, at points where they are exposed to friction. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Chafing — For the cooking utensil, see chafing dish. Chafing of skin Chafing when used as a nautical term describes the process of wear on a line or sail caused by constant rubbing against a hard, usually metallic, surface. Various methods are used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Chafing — Chafe Chafe (ch[=a]f), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chafed} (ch[=a]ft); p pr. & vb. n. {Chafing}.] [OE. chaufen to warm, OF. chaufer, F. chauffer, fr. L. calefacere, calfacere, to make warm; calere to be warm + facere to make. See {Caldron}.] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chafing fuel — is a generic term for various products that are used for heating food. These products often contain methanol, ethanol, or diethylene glycol, as these may be burned safely indoors. These fuels are also used for emergency heating, outdoor cooking,… …   Wikipedia

  • Chafing dish — Chafing Chaf ing, n. [See {Chafe}, v. t.] The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing. [1913 Webster] {Chafing dish}, a dish or vessel for cooking on the table, or for keeping food warm, either by coals, by a lamp, or by hot… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chafing gear — Chafing Chaf ing, n. [See {Chafe}, v. t.] The act of rubbing, or wearing by friction; making by rubbing. [1913 Webster] {Chafing dish}, a dish or vessel for cooking on the table, or for keeping food warm, either by coals, by a lamp, or by hot… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chafing dish — [chāf′iŋ] n. [see CHAFE] a pan with a heating apparatus beneath it, to cook food at the table or to keep food hot …   English World dictionary

  • Chafing-dish — Diego Velázquez portrayed an old woman poaching eggs in a glazed earthenware chafing dish over charcoal A chafing dish (from the Old French chauffer, to make warm ) is a kind of portable grate ( a dish of Coles ) raised on a tripod, originally… …   Wikipedia

  • Chafing-Dish — Ein Chafing Dish [ˈtʃeɪfɪŋ dɪʃ] (von englisch chafing, anglisiert von französisch chauffer „erhitzen“, und engl. dish „Schüssel, Platte, Geschirr“) ist ein Behälter zum Warmhalten von Speisen. In der Regel ruht der Speisenbehälter auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • chafing dish — noun a metal pan over a heater; used to cook or to keep things warm at the table • Hypernyms: ↑cooking utensil, ↑cookware * * * ˈchafing dish 7 [chafing dish chafing dishes] noun a metal pan used for keeping food warm …   Useful english dictionary

  • chafing dish — noun Etymology: Middle English chafing, present participle of chaufen, chafen to warm Date: 15th century a utensil for cooking or keeping food warm especially at the table …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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