Crank pin

Crank pin
Crank Crank (kr[a^][ng]k), n. [OE. cranke; akin to E. cringe, cringle, crinkle, and to crank, a., the root meaning, probably, ``to turn, twist.'' See {Cringe}.] 1. (Mach.) A bent portion of an axle, or shaft, or an arm keyed at right angles to the end of a shaft, by which motion is imparted to or received from it; also used to change circular into reciprocating motion, or reciprocating into circular motion. See {Bell crank}. [1913 Webster]

2. Any bend, turn, or winding, as of a passage. [1913 Webster]

So many turning cranks these have, so many crooks. --Spenser. [1913 Webster]

3. A twist or turn in speech; a conceit consisting in a change of the form or meaning of a word. [1913 Webster]

Quips, and cranks, and wanton wiles. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

4. A twist or turn of the mind; caprice; whim; crotchet; also, a fit of temper or passion. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster]

Violent of temper; subject to sudden cranks. --Carlyle. [1913 Webster]

5. A person full of crotchets; one given to fantastic or impracticable projects; one whose judgment is perverted in respect to a particular matter. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster]

6. A sick person; an invalid. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

Thou art a counterfeit crank, a cheater. --Burton. [1913 Webster]

{Crank axle} (Mach.), a driving axle formed with a crank or cranks, as in some kinds of locomotives.

{Crank pin} (Mach.), the cylindrical piece which forms the handle, or to which the connecting rod is attached, at the end of a crank, or between the arms of a double crank.

{Crank shaft}, a shaft bent into a crank, or having a crank fastened to it, by which it drives or is driven.

{Crank wheel}, a wheel acting as a crank, or having a wrist to which a connecting rod is attached. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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