digital computer

digital computer
digital computer digital computer n. 1. (Computers) a computer that represents information by numerical digits with a fixed number of values; -- most commonly each piece of information is internally represented in binary code, as an array of {bits}, which are information units each of which can take only two values. The possible values of each {bit} are conventionally represented as the numbers 1 or 0.

Note: The bits of information are usually further organized, maniplulated, and discussed as {nybbles} (4 bits, rarely used), {bytes} (8 bits, most commonly used), or {words} (from 16 to 128 bits, and in the future probably more). A {word} is usually defined as the number of bits that are processed at one time by the central procesor unit.

Syn: . [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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