monotonically increasing function

monotonically increasing function
Increase In*crease", v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Increased}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Increasing}.] [OE. incresen, encresen, enrescen, OF. encreistre, fr. L. increscere; pref. in- in + crescere to grow. See {Crescent}, and cf. {Decrease}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To become greater or more in size, quantity, number, degree, value, intensity, power, authority, reputation, wealth; to grow; to augment; to advance; -- opposed to {decrease}. [1913 Webster]

The waters increased and bare up the ark. --Gen. vii. 17. [1913 Webster]

He must increase, but I must decrease. --John iii. 30. [1913 Webster]

The heavens forbid But that our loves and comforts should increase, Even as our days do grow! --Shak. [1913 Webster]

2. To multiply by the production of young; to be fertile, fruitful, or prolific. [1913 Webster]

Fishes are more numerous or increasing than beasts or birds, as appears by their numerous spawn. --Sir M. Hale. [1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.) To become more nearly full; to show more of the surface; to wax; as, the moon increases. [1913 Webster]

{Increasing function} (Math.), a function whose value increases when that of the variable increases, and decreases when the latter is diminished; also called a {monotonically increasing function}.

Syn: To enlarge; extend; multiply; expand; develop; heighten; amplify; raise; enhance; spread; aggravate; magnify; augment; advance.

Usage: To {Increase}, {Enlarge}, {Extend}. Enlarge implies to make larger or broader in size. Extend marks the progress of enlargement so as to have wider boundaries. Increase denotes enlargement by growth and internal vitality, as in the case of plants. A kingdom is enlarged by the addition of new territories; the mind is enlarged by knowledge. A kingdom is extended when its boundaries are carried to a greater distance from the center. A man's riches, honors, knowledge, etc., are increased by accessions which are made from time to time. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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