
Sharp Sharp, a. [Compar. {Sharper}; superl. {Sharpest}.] [OE. sharp, scharp, scarp, AS. scearp; akin to OS. skarp, LG. scharp, D. scherp, G. scharf, Dan. & Sw. skarp, Icel. skarpr. Cf. {Escarp}, {Scrape}, {Scorpion}.] 1. Having a very thin edge or fine point; of a nature to cut or pierce easily; not blunt or dull; keen. [1913 Webster]

He dies upon my scimeter's sharp point. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

2. Terminating in a point or edge; not obtuse or rounded; somewhat pointed or edged; peaked or ridged; as, a sharp hill; sharp features. [1913 Webster]

3. Affecting the sense as if pointed or cutting, keen, penetrating, acute: to the taste or smell, pungent, acid, sour, as ammonia has a sharp taste and odor; to the hearing, piercing, shrill, as a sharp sound or voice; to the eye, instantaneously brilliant, dazzling, as a sharp flash. [1913 Webster]

4. (Mus.) (a) High in pitch; acute; as, a sharp note or tone. (b) Raised a semitone in pitch; as, C sharp (C[sharp]), which is a half step, or semitone, higher than C. (c) So high as to be out of tune, or above true pitch; as, the tone is sharp; that instrument is sharp. Opposed in all these senses to {flat}. [1913 Webster]

5. Very trying to the feelings; piercing; keen; severe; painful; distressing; as, sharp pain, weather; a sharp and frosty air. [1913 Webster]

Sharp misery had worn him to the bones. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

The morning sharp and clear. --Cowper. [1913 Webster]

In sharpest perils faithful proved. --Keble. [1913 Webster]

6. Cutting in language or import; biting; sarcastic; cruel; harsh; rigorous; severe; as, a sharp rebuke. ``That sharp look.'' --Tennyson. [1913 Webster]

To that place the sharp Athenian law Can not pursue us. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

Be thy words severe, Sharp as merits but the sword forbear. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

7. Of keen perception; quick to discern or distinguish; having nice discrimination; acute; penetrating; sagacious; clever; as, a sharp eye; sharp sight, hearing, or judgment. [1913 Webster]

Nothing makes men sharper . . . than want. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

Many other things belong to the material world, wherein the sharpest philosophers have never ye? arrived at clear and distinct ideas. --L. Watts. [1913 Webster]

8. Eager in pursuit; keen in quest; impatient for gratification; keen; as, a sharp appetite. [1913 Webster]

9. Fierce; ardent; fiery; violent; impetuous. ``In sharp contest of battle.'' --Milton. [1913 Webster]

A sharp assault already is begun. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

10. Keenly or unduly attentive to one's own interest; close and exact in dealing; shrewd; as, a sharp dealer; a sharp customer. [1913 Webster]

The necessity of being so sharp and exacting. --Swift. [1913 Webster]

11. Composed of hard, angular grains; gritty; as, sharp sand. --Moxon. [1913 Webster]

12. Steep; precipitous; abrupt; as, a sharp ascent or descent; a sharp turn or curve. [1913 Webster]

13. (Phonetics) Uttered in a whisper, or with the breath alone, without voice, as certain consonants, such as p, k, t, f; surd; nonvocal; aspirated. [1913 Webster]

Note: Sharp is often used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, sharp-cornered, sharp-edged, sharp-pointed, sharp-tasted, sharp-visaged, etc. [1913 Webster]

{Sharp practice}, the getting of an advantage, or the attempt to do so, by a tricky expedient.

{To brace sharp}, or {To sharp up} (Naut.), to turn the yards to the most oblique position possible, that the ship may lie well up to the wind. [1913 Webster]

Syn: Keen; acute; piercing; penetrating; quick; sagacious; discerning; shrewd; witty; ingenious; sour; acid; tart; pungent; acrid; severe; poignant; biting; acrimonious; sarcastic; cutting; bitter; painful; afflictive; violent; harsh; fierce; ardent; fiery. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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