
Use Use, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Used}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Using}.] [OE. usen, F. user to use, use up, wear out, LL. usare to use, from L. uti, p. p. usus, to use, OL. oeti, oesus; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Utility}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To make use of; to convert to one's service; to avail one's self of; to employ; to put a purpose; as, to use a plow; to use a chair; to use time; to use flour for food; to use water for irrigation. [1913 Webster]

Launcelot Gobbo, use your legs. --Shak. [1913 Webster]

Some other means I have which may be used. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

2. To behave toward; to act with regard to; to treat; as, to use a beast cruelly. ``I will use him well.'' --Shak. [1913 Webster]

How wouldst thou use me now? --Milton. [1913 Webster]

Cato has used me ill. --Addison. [1913 Webster]

3. To practice customarily; to make a practice of; as, to use diligence in business. [1913 Webster]

Use hospitality one to another. --1 Pet. iv. 9. [1913 Webster]

4. To accustom; to habituate; to render familiar by practice; to inure; -- employed chiefly in the passive participle; as, men used to cold and hunger; soldiers used to hardships and danger. [1913 Webster]

I am so used in the fire to blow. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

Thou with thy compeers, Used to the yoke, draw'st his triumphant wheels. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

{To use one's self}, to behave. [Obs.] ``Pray, forgive me, if I have used myself unmannerly.'' --Shak.

{To use up}. (a) To consume or exhaust by using; to leave nothing of; as, to use up the supplies. (b) To exhaust; to tire out; to leave no capacity of force or use in; to overthrow; as, he was used up by fatigue. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster]

Syn: Employ.

Usage: {Use}, {Employ}. We use a thing, or make use of it, when we derive from it some enjoyment or service. We employ it when we turn that service into a particular channel. We use words to express our general meaning; we employ certain technical terms in reference to a given subject. To make use of, implies passivity in the thing; as, to make use of a pen; and hence there is often a material difference between the two words when applied to persons. To speak of ``making use of another'' generally implies a degrading idea, as if we had used him as a tool; while employ has no such sense. A confidential friend is employed to negotiate; an inferior agent is made use of on an intrigue. [1913 Webster]

I would, my son, that thou wouldst use the power Which thy discretion gives thee, to control And manage all. --Cowper. [1913 Webster]

To study nature will thy time employ: Knowledge and innocence are perfect joy. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • use — 1 / yüs/ n 1 a: an arrangement in which property is granted to another with the trust and confidence that the grantor or another is entitled to the beneficial enjoyment of it see also trust; statute of uses in the important laws section ◇ Uses… …   Law dictionary

  • Use — Use, n. [OE. us use, usage, L. usus, from uti, p. p. usus, to use. See {Use}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of employing anything, or of applying it to one s service; the state of being so employed or applied; application; employment;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • usé — usé, ée [ yze ] adj. • 1508; « accoutumé, usité » 1165; de user 1 ♦ Altéré par un usage prolongé, par des actions physiques. ⇒ détérioré; vieux. Vêtements, tissus usés. ⇒ avachi, déchiré, déformé, défraîchi, fatigué, mûr, 2. râpé. Loc. Usé jusqu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • use — [yo͞oz; ] for n. [ yo͞os] vt. used [yo͞ozd; ] with [ “] to [, ] usually [ yo͞os′tə] using [ME usen < OFr user < VL * usare < L usus, pp. of uti, to use] 1. to put or bring into action or service; employ for or apply to a given purpose 2 …   English World dictionary

  • usé — usé, ée (u zé, zée) part. passé d user. 1°   Qui a subi détérioration, diminution par l usage, par le frottement. Sur cette pierre usée un lugubre flambeau Semble de son feu pâle éclairer un tombeau, M. J. CHÉN., Fénelon, II, 3 De quel éclat… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Use — Use, v. i. 1. To be wont or accustomed; to be in the habit or practice; as, he used to ride daily; now disused in the present tense, perhaps because of the similarity in sound, between use to, and used to. [1913 Webster] They use to place him… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Use Me — may be:* The Use Me EP Songs and single song recordings: * Use Me (Bill Withers song), 1972 song by Bill Withers * Use Me (Ron Kenoly song), c. 1994 Gospel song by Ron Kenoly * Use Me (Garbage song), c. 2002 song by Garbage * Use Me (Kid… …   Wikipedia

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