Indigofera tinctoria

Indigofera tinctoria
Indigo In"di*go, a. Having the color of, pertaining to, or derived from, indigo. [1913 Webster]

{Indigo berry} (Bot.), the fruit of the West Indian shrub {Randia aculeata}, used as a blue dye.

{Indigo bird} (Zo["o]l.), a small North American finch ({Cyanospiza cyanea}). The male is indigo blue in color. Called also {indigo bunting}.

{Indigo blue}. (a) The essential coloring material of commercial indigo, from which it is obtained as a dark blue earthy powder, with a reddish luster, {C16H10N2O2}, which may be crystallized by sublimation. Indigo blue is also made from artificial amido cinnamic acid, and from artificial isatine; and these methods are of great commercial importance. Called also {indigotin}. (b) A dark, dull blue color like the indigo of commerce.

{Indigo brown} (Chem.), a brown resinous substance found in crude indigo.

{Indigo copper} (Min.), covellite.

{Indigo green}, a green obtained from indigo.

{Indigo plant} (Bot.), a leguminous plant of several species (genus {Indigofera}), from which indigo is prepared. The different varieties are natives of Asia, Africa, and America. Several species are cultivated, of which the most important are the {Indigofera tinctoria}, or {common indigo plant}, the {Indigofera Anil}, a larger species, and the {Indigofera disperma}.

{Indigo purple}, a purple obtained from indigo.

{Indigo red}, a dyestuff, isomeric with indigo blue, obtained from crude indigo as a dark brown amorphous powder.

{Indigo snake} (Zo["o]l.), the gopher snake.

{Indigo white}, a white crystalline powder obtained by reduction from indigo blue, and by oxidation easily changed back to it; -- called also {indigogen}.

{Indigo yellow}, a substance obtained from indigo. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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