Palace car

Palace car
Car Car, n. [OF. car, char, F. cahr, fr. L. carrus, Wagon: a Celtic word; cf. W. car, Armor. karr, Ir. & Gael. carr. cf. {Chariot}.] 1. A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart. [1913 Webster]

2. A vehicle adapted to the rails of a railroad. [U. S.] [1913 Webster]

Note: In England a railroad passenger car is called a railway carriage; a freight car a goods wagon; a platform car a goods truck; a baggage car a van. But styles of car introduced into England from America are called cars; as, tram car. Pullman car. See {Train}. [1913 Webster]

3. A chariot of war or of triumph; a vehicle of splendor, dignity, or solemnity. [Poetic]. [1913 Webster]

The gilded car of day. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

The towering car, the sable steeds. --Tennyson. [1913 Webster]

4. (Astron.) The stars also called Charles's Wain, the Great Bear, or the Dipper. [1913 Webster]

The Pleiads, Hyads, and the Northern Car. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

5. The cage of a lift or elevator. [1913 Webster]

6. The basket, box, or cage suspended from a balloon to contain passengers, ballast, etc. [1913 Webster]

7. A floating perforated box for living fish. [U. S.] [1913 Webster]

{Car coupling}, or {Car coupler}, a shackle or other device for connecting the cars in a railway train. [U. S.]

{Dummy car} (Railroad), a car containing its own steam power or locomotive.

{Freight car} (Railrood), a car for the transportation of merchandise or other goods. [U. S.]

{Hand car} (Railroad), a small car propelled by hand, used by railroad laborers, etc. [U. S.]

{Horse car}, or {Street car}, an omnibus car, draw by horses or other power upon rails laid in the streets. [U. S.]

{Palace car}, {Drawing-room car}, {Sleeping car}, {Parlor car}, etc. (Railroad), cars especially designed and furnished for the comfort of travelers. [1913 Webster] ||

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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